"Journey into Science" Lectures to Be Made Available on YouTube
Staff at the GMU Faculty of Management and Quality Science have begun recording lectures given as part of the "Journey into Science" (Rejs do Nauki) project to publish the content on YouTube. This method is increasingly being used in the popularisation of science by scientific institutions around the world to increase the general awareness and understanding of complex scientific issues within society. YouTube assures such institutions global reach and an audience of various levels of knowledge and education from all around the world. Such exposure makes science more accessible to all, and the topic of webinars taught by the faculty's staff should interest a wide range of audiences.
The lecturers on the following topics are given by the staff in the Faculty of Management and Quality Science:
- Eating Disorders – Illnesses of Mind and Body - Dr Witold Kozirok
- Nutrition as a Means of Stress Management - Dr Katarzyna Mironiuk
- Food as The Main Threat to Human Health - Joanna Newerli
- The Surrounding Economy - Dr Monika Szyda, Management and Economics Section
- Transport and Logistics Systems - Dr Sławomir Skiba, Dr Robert Marek of the Department of Transport and Logistics.
The aim of the scientific research, development work and the transfer of knowledge and technology is also in line with the guidelines of the HR Excellence in Research distinction in relation to dissemination, exploitation of results and social involvement (European Charter for Researchers, European Commission, Brussels, 2006, p. 14.)
The project aims to popularise science, promote the exchange of knowledge and disseminate the results of scientific research among a wide range of audiences, in this case, secondary school pupils, through participation in a series of lectures and workshops. The lectures are also a great way to promote the University.
To view the lectures, please visit: https://wznj.umg.edu.pl/webinaria or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UniwersytetMorskiwGdyni
The project is co-financed by the Ministry for Education and Science as part of its "Social Responsibility of Science" project, under the Popularisation of Science and Promotion of Sport, project number SONP/SP/550352/2022