Professor Hans Rummel

Hans Rummel was born on 23rd August 1941 in Ulm–Donau in Southern Germany, where he grew up alongside his younger brother. Following the bombardment of his family home in December 1944, they were evacuated to a farm in a small village until his father, a prisoner of war, was released in 1946 and the family could return home.

Education and Academic Career

In 1952, he passed the entrance examinations to a grammar school from which he graduated with distinction and was awarded the 'Scheffelpreis 1961' (Award for the best graduate - primum omnium).

In April 1961, he began his military career in the Bundesluftwaffe (German Airforce) as an officer candidate. In 1964, after reaching the rank of captain, he resigned from the armed forces and entered the ADI, an institute of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, where he studied for a diploma in applied languages, Spanish and English.

From 1964 to 1968, he studied at three centres of higher education: Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz, Germany), Royal College of Advanced Technology (Salford, England), and Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). After gaining a degree in applied languages, he worked as a foreign language instructor in vocational education.

In 1971, he began a teacher training programme. After graduating with a distinction, he was employed at 'Hochschule für Nautik Bremen' (Navigational College) as a professor of applied languages. The College became Hochschule Bremerhaven (University of Applied Sciences) in 1975, and he continued to work full-time in this role until 2006 when he became a Professor Emeritus.


Professor Rummel specialises in teaching and researching English language communication based on the English for Specific Purposes method for Nautical English. The Professor is the creator of language labs at the German Navigational College and Hochschule Bremerhaven. He designed and oversaw the development of one of the first computer-aided English language learning centres.

In his methodology, Professor Rummel emphasized correct pronunciation of  the English language, developing a particular method for language laboratory instruction in English to improve the learner's pronunciation which he published in "Pronunciation Drills – a series of English languages exercises for less advanced students of a two-year business course”

(Pronunciation Drills  – eine Übungsreihe im Englischunterricht einer Unterstufe der zweijährigen Handelsschule). During his employment at the Bremerhaven School for Foreign Language Correspondence Clerks he co-authored a series of worksheets entitled “Instructive Materials for the Teaching of the Modern English Language” (Unterrichtsblätter für den modernen Englischunterricht), which were published by Merkur Verlag in Rinteln. The publications contained pedagogical advice for teachers for use in English language classes.

In the 1980s, he became an internationally renowned instructor of Maritime English. He was actively involved and held various roles in associations such as the International Maritime Lecturers Association, the Association for Maritime English, and G.A.M.E. As an outstanding specialist in Maritime English, Professor Rummel has played an active part in several international conferences and seminars dedicated to improving the effective teaching of foreign languages.

He was deeply involved in the implementation of the "Standard Maritime Navigational Vocabulary IMCO", which was later developed, also with his involvement, into the "Standard Communication Phrases" of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). In collaboration with Professor Josip Luzer (University of Rijeka, Croatia), the Professor also headed the international project "Computerised Communication - COMCOM".


The scientific contributions of the author are as notable as they are diverse, ranging from research on the role of the Spanish Legion in World War II to work on language instruction and pedagogy. As a lecturer for Maritime English, he contributed papers and participated in conferences to improve the standardisation of communication for navigation. In addition, his interest in language learning for seniors led him to collect data on a group of senior students over ten years, which demonstrated the potential of constant repetition in language training.

International Cooperation – an Ambassador of Gdynia Maritime University

Professor Hans Rummel was raised in a family environment which emphasised the importance of cultivating relationships with friends abroad and fostered the development of an interest in internationality and intercultural understanding. In 1976, during the visit of 'Dar Pomorza' to Bremen, the Professor established contacts with the Maritime Higher School Gdynia and became the coordinator for all cooperation activities with this institution.

Right from the beginning of cooperation between the Maritime Higher School and Hochschule Bremerhaven, Professor Rummel was deeply involved in the search and development of fields for joint projects and initiatives. Since 1978, the Professor has visited Gdynia Maritime University almost every year, delivering maritime communication courses in English to the University's students. The high standard of the classes and the Professor's teaching talent, as well as the enthusiastic assessment of his courses by his students, led to him being invited to provide classes during training voyages. He lectured during a seven-month voyage of the "Dar Młodzieży" training ship as part of "Regatta Colon 92" and a nine-month voyage to Japan for "Osaka 98".

Professor Rummel has supported all initiatives undertaken as part of the cooperation between the two universities with his authority and involvement. These have included internships and teaching stays, the launching of a dual degree programme for both universities, the exchange of students within the framework of the Erasmus programme, and the editing of a joint scientific journal entitled "Joint Proceedings".

In March 1993, on Professor Rummel's initiative, the Association of Friends of Dar Młodzieży was founded and registered under German law. The Association supports the main endeavours of Gdynia Maritime University's tall ship. The current chair of the Association is Professor Rummel.

In 2003, the President of Poland decorated him with the Knight's Cross of Merit for his contribution to cooperation between the two universities, reconciliation, and a better understanding between the two neighbouring nations. The Rector of Gdynia Maritime University awarded him "For Meritorious Service to Gdynia Maritime University" and the Senate of Hochschule Bremerhaven made him an Honorary Member.


In 2023, the Senate of Gdynia Maritime University began the procedure for the conferral of the honorary title of honoris causa on Professor Hans Rummel. By Resolution No. 196/XVII of 15th June 2023, in recognition of the outstanding contribution to the development of cooperation between Gdynia Maritime University and Hochschule Bremerhaven and his achievements in the development of teaching methods and tools in relation to maritime communication in English, the Senate of Gdynia Maritime University conferred on Professor Hans Rummel the honorary title of Doctor honoris causa. The conferral ceremony took place on 6th October 2023.



GMU/Cezary Spigarski

GMU/Cezary Spigarski